

Getting Married


Who can we marry?

You can marry at if you can show that you have a one of a number of 'qualifying connections'. The most common of these connections is that one of you lives in the parish (see map) or one of you worships at the church. 
The matter is a little more complicated if one of you is divorced or one of you is a citizen of a country outside the European Union. It is best to discuss this with the Parish Priest as soon as possible.

Legal Preliminaries

The usual legal preliminary to marriage in the Church of England is the calling of the banns. This is in effect an announcement made at public worship of your intention to marry. Banns need to be called in the parish churches where the bride and groom live and the parish where they are to be married. 
However, where one of you is a citizen of a country outside the European Union it will be necessary to obtain a Common Licence.


Many couples like to sing hymns at their wedding. You should choose between two and four hymns and the following suggestions may be helpful:

The God of love my Shepherd is
Give me joy in my heart
Morning has broken
Make me a channel of your peace
The King of Love
Praise my soul the King of Heaven.
Lord of all hopefulness
Shine Jesus Shine
Love Divine


This should take place in church, probably the night before the wedding.

On the Day itself

Please instruct your photographer that photographs may be taken as the couple enter the church and as they leave. No photographs should be taken during the service.

Permission to use a video camera or to make a sound recording should be sought from the priest conducting the service. Video cameras should be set up in accordance with the instruction of the priest conducting the service. They must be unobtrusive and not be carried around during the service.

If you wish to arrange your marriage, please contact the Parish Priest, Fr Nicholas Clews, on 01274 662735. You may also like to visit the Church of England's Wedding webpage.